Physical Constants

The equation for blackbody radiation (the Planck equation) is:

Flambda = 2 pi h c2 lambda -5 / (exp(hc/klambdaT) - 1).

or, combining the constants:

Flambda = c1 lambda -5 / exp(c2 /lambdaT) - 1),

where c1 = 2 pi hc2 = 3.7419  × 10-5 erg cm2 s-1 [lambda in cm]
and c2 = hc/k = 1.4288 cm °K.

In these equations, the physical constants used are:

pi = 3.14159
c = 2.9979  × 1010 cm/s (the speed of light)
h = 6.6262  × 10-27 erg s (Planck constant)
k = 1.3806  × 10-16 erg deg-1 (Boltzmann constant)
sigma = 5.67   × 10-5 erg cm-2 s-1 K-4

The variables are:

T the temperature in degrees Kelvin (Centigrade degrees above absolute zero)
lambda the wavelength in cm.

Introduction to Blackbody radiation
Wien Distribution
Rayleigh-Jeans Distribution
Wien Displacement Law
Stefan-Boltzmann Law

This VRML + HTML package on Blackbody emission was constructed by Karen M. Strom. Contact your local instructor for help if it is used as part of your class.