byN. Scott Momaday
- I am a feather on the bright sky
- I am the blue horse that runs on the plain
- I am the fish that rolls, shining, in the water
- I am the shadow that follows a child
- I am the evening light, the lustre of meadows
- I am an eagle playing with the wind
- I am a cluster of bright beads
- I am the farthest star
- I am the cold of dawn
- I am the roaring of the rain
- I am the glitter of the crust of the snow
- I am the long track of the moon in a lake
- I am a flame of four colors
- I am a deer standing away in the dusk
- I am a field of sumac and the pomme blanche
- I am an angle of geese in the winter sky
- I am the hunger of a young wolf
- I am the whole dream of these things
- You see, I am alive, I am alive
- I stand in good relation to the earth
- I stand in good relation to the gods
- I stand in good relation to all that is beautiful
- I stand in good relation to the daughter of Tsen-tainte
- You see, I am alive, I am alive
From The Gourd Dancer by N. Scott Momaday, Harper and Row
© 1976 N. Scott Momaday![]()
Books by N. Scott Momaday
- House Made of Dawn, HarperCollins. (Hardcover Commerative Reissue)
- The Way to Rainy Mountain, Univ. New Mexico Press. (Hardcover Commerative Reissue)
- The Names, Univ. Arizona Press. (Hardcover Commerative Reissue)
- The Ancient Child, HarperCollins.
- The Man Made of Words, Griffin. (Hardcover)
- In the Presence of the Sun : Stories and Poems, St. Martin's Press.
- In the Bear's House, St. Martin's Press.
- Children's Books
- Circle of Wonder: A Native American Christmas Story, Univ. New Mexico Press. (Hardcover)
- Cassettes with Momaday reading his work
- Storyteller, Sunset Productions.
- House Made of Dawn the Names the Gourd Dancer: 'Tsoai and the Shieldmaker', American Audio Prose Library.
You may hear the author read this poem [RealAudio] or you may hear him discuss the origin of his Indian name and then read the poem [RealAudio].If you have never heard Scott Momaday read, you must!