pottery box

Charmae Shields Natseway

Charmae Natseway of Acoma Pueblo crafts unique pottery. instead of rounded forms, more angular forms such as square boxes and pyramids emerge from her hands. This vrml exhibit will allow you to "pick up" this pottery and examine it. The "boxes" are 4 inches on a side and 1.5 inches high, excluding the stoppers. The "pyramid" has a base 3.75 inches on a side and is 6 inches high.

Compromises have obviously been made in order to efficiently deliver this exhibit. The "pot" is geometrically perfect. The images mapped onto the sides of the pots have been optimized for rapid delivery. Therefore they do not have some of the subtlety of color variations found in the original. Nonetheless, I believe your experience of these models will give you a good introduction to the work of Charmae Natseway.

To view the VRML exhibits, you must have a VRML 2.0 compliant plugin or helper application installed in your browser. These VRML models were developed using the CosmoPlayer 2.1.

Pyramid Pot

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